Sofia Coppula's Auterist Style

Does 'Marie Antoinette' Hold Up? | GQ

    Sofia Coppola is a renowned American filmmaker known for her distinct auteurist style. Her films often focus on intimate, character-driven stories that explore themes of identity, and alienation. Coppola's style is characterized by a number of recurring motifs and techniques.

    In her movies, Coppola often uses music to set the tone and mood of her films. She frequently incorporates music from contemporary artists and pop songs from past decades. The soundtrack throughout the movie the music is upbeat and helps the audience feel the teen queen mood that she is trying to portray. By doing so the pop helps us understand the queen and make her feel like she is one of us rather than an authoritative figure.

    Coppola often tells stories from a feminine perspective, exploring the experiences of young women and their relationships with the world around them. In the Marie Antoinette film, we get to experience her doing so by giving so much power to the young queen. When we experience her daily routines we get to understand the hardships that young women had to deal with respect-wise and the era where the main focus was to please your husband even if you had so much power. It was interesting to see Coppola tie in the pop culture lifestyle of a young girl and how it affects the country and affects the world around her, proving that her small actions were able to ruin a whole country. As I stated in the introduction this causes her to become alienated and feel alone.

    The last topic id like to dive into is Coppola's use of visual esthetics, Coppola is known for her strong visual sense and attention to detail. Her films often feature beautiful, carefully composed shots and a distinct visual style. Throughout the whole film we were able to see vibrant colors, these colors appeared in cakes, clothing, and shoes. Coppola uses these colors to turn dark serious times and turns them into a more pleasurable experience for the audience.

Dargis, M. (2017). Sofia Coppola's 'The Beguiled' demonstrates her mastery of atmosphere. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from
