Modern Family

     Modern Family is a television sitcom that aired from 2009 to 2020. Created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan, it is a show that follows the lives of Jay Pritchett and his family, which includes his second wife, Gloria, her son Manny, Jay's daughter Claire, her husband Phil, and their three children, Haley, Alex, and Luke. The show also features Jay's son Mitchell, his partner Cameron, and their daughter Lily. Throughout this time we bounce back and forth through their everyday lives and get to dig deeper into what makes each character so special and see the types of bonds they create.

    Throughout the series, the characters face different situations and experiences, including parenting struggles, career challenges, love and dating mishaps, and family gatherings, all with comedic and heartfelt moments. "Modern Family" is known for its diverse cast of characters and interesting family dynamics, showcasing the complexities and joys of modern family life. The show won numerous awards, including multiple Emmy Awards for Outstanding Comedy Series.

This show really sticks out to me and continues to draw me to watch the next episode because of the great acting. I believe they did such a great job bringing so many different types of people together and overcoming the gay relationship stereotype. I find joy in the small simple jokes Phil Dunphy throws out every episode to brighten up even the worst moods.

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